Asphalt Institute Committees
The following is a list of our committees. Please click on the name of a committee below to view its description, officers and members.
The Affiliate Committee is made up of companies that have asphalt-related interests as described in the AI bylaws. This committee oversees activities specifically related to Affiliate Members which support the regular membership in promoting the use of asphalt through engineering, research and education.
The Nominating Committee slates volunteers for vacant board and committee positions. The committee presents the slate to the AIF Board of Directors for approval.
The Asphalt Pavement Alliance (APA) is a coalition between the Asphalt Institute, the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) and the State Asphalt Pavement Association (SAPA). The Alliance's mission is to establish asphalt pavement as the preferred choice for quality, performance and the environment.
The Asphalt Institute participates through the APA Marketing Council and the APA Advisory Council. NAPA, SAPA and AI Staff work together on content, media relations, social media, development and distribution of materials.
The Asphalt Pavement Alliance (APA) is a coalition between the Asphalt Institute, the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) and the State Asphalt Pavement Association (SAPA). The Alliance's mission is to establish asphalt pavement as the preferred choice for quality, performance and the environment. The APA will accomplish this through research, technology transfer, engineering and education and innovation.
The Asphalt Institute participates through the Marketing Council with oversight of the Advisory Council. NAPA/AI staff work together on content, media relations, social media, development and distribution of materials.
This committee oversees the Go-to-Market initiative (NAPA), the Pavement Economics Committee(NAPA) and the APA Advisory Council (formerly the deployment council). The council is made up of three AI member representatives and the AI President. there are six NAPA representatives. For the SAPAs, there are two representatives.
The Board of Directors is in control and supervision of all officers, agents and employees of the institute, in which is vested the management and direction of the operations, activities and affairs of the institute. The Board approves the annual budget and handles governance matters.
The Canadian Committee oversees and provides direction regarding institute activities related to promoting the use of asphalt in Canada through engineering, research and education.
The Chair's Advisory Group are past chairs of the institute who provide support to the current chair.
Asphalt magazine is published three times per year, has a circulation of 18,000 and is mailed to over 100 countries. Service on the Editorial Board includes reviewing articles prior to publication.
EPIC is an acronym representing the ways adults learn. Experiential, Participatory, Image-driven and Communicative. The institute's EPIC Leadership Development Program is designed to build leaders within our membership, expand member knowledge of our industry and advance member understanding of the inner workings of the institute.
The EPIC Selection Committee review the applications for potential program participants. Students who fall behind in course work or who may be at risk for completing the program are referred to this committee for determination of corrective action. This committee may also be called upon to make a ruling on substitute students during the academic year.
The Executive Committee typically meets at the institute's spring and summer meetings and handles governance matters.
The Finance Committee has responsibility for financial oversight of institute affairs. This committee advises the Executive Committee and Board of Directors on financial policy and controls that safeguard institute assets. It oversees the development of budgets, forecasts, long-term projections and dues structure and monitors their implementation once approved by the board. Working with the Investment Committee, it oversees performance of institute reserves by reviewing the trustee's compliance with Investment Policy and by utilizing Reserve Policy guidelines.
The Health, Safety & Environment Committee (HSE) reviews, coordinates, monitors and manages AI programs and activities on health, safety and environmental issues related to the manufacture of asphalt and asphalt-based products.
The Investment Committee is chaired by the treasurer and has fiduciary and financial oversight responsibility for the institute's three reserve funds and the Employee Thrift Plan. The committee reviews quality and performance of funds in compliance with investment policy on a quarterly basis by phone and in person. It reviews and recommends changes to investment policies, trustees and investment advisors. Committee members will be assisted by a registered investment advisor and will be kept informed of recommended best practices and appropriate laws and regulations for compliance purposes. Finance Committee experience is helpful for this position.
The Marketing Committee guides the institute's strategic marketing efforts. Examples include marketing AI benefits to members and promoting the increased use of asphalt to industry and consumer targets.
The Meetings Task Force develops and recommends future AI meeting locations. It serves under the purview of the PPRC but all members can volunteer.
The Membership Committee is responsible for membership recruitment, retention and engagement activities. Current programs include the EPIC Leadership Development Program, the Mentor Program and the Longevity Awards Program.
The Nominating Committee slates members for vacant board and committee positions from a volunteer list and presents the slate for board approval at the institute's annual meeting.
The Personnel Advisory Committee (PAC) reviews and develops personnel policy guidelines in cooperation with the president, monitors employee benefit programs, recommends annual personnel budget levels, sets the president's compensation and administers AI's Recognition of Achievement and Emeritus Designation programs.
The Public Policy/Relationships Committee (PPRC) reviews, coordinates and monitors the institute's role in media, public relations and public advocacy activities, and AI's involvement with asphalt pavement and roofing promotional programs, allied associations and agencies.
The Roofing Technical Advisory Committee (RTAC) provides direction for AI activities related to technical issues that impact the asphalt roofing industry.
The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) provides direction for AI activities related to technical issues that impact the asphalt industry.