MS-26 Asphalt Binder Handbook
General Information
Non-Member: $45.00Your price
ISBN: 9781934154632
Language: English
Published: 1/1/2011
Pages: 223
MS-26 The Asphalt Binder Handbook
The Asphalt Binder Handbook is a comprehensive manual that is devoted entirely to information about asphalt binders or bitumen. It is a compilation of the information in numerous other AI publications including the SP-1, MS-4, MS-5, MS-19, and MS-25 manuals, melded with previously unpublished information on topics such as the Multiple-Stress Creep Recovery (MSCR) test, testing variability and resolution, and the generation of mastercurves. Fully illustrated, 223 pages, 150 x 225 mm (6x9 in.). eBook available here.