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R18LabQMS Satellite Subscription

R18LabQMS Satellite Subscription


Member: $1,500.00
Non-Member: $1,800.00Your price

R18LabQMS® is a web based application for laboratories managing their Quality Management System that follows the guidelines of AASHTO R18, all in one place. Most laboratories keep their documentation for calibration, check, standardization, maintenance procedures, and requirements outlined in AASHTO R18 in spreadsheets, word processors, file cabinets, binders and various locations around the lab. R18LabQMS was developed to streamline this process, save time and keep all laboratory personnel engaged in the process, it's like hiring a part time employee in the process of keeping everything organized! Now rapidly becoming the industry standard and recognized by AASHTO re:source for managing your Quality Management System. Offered as an annual subscription service; each account/laboratory starts with a Primary Lab, Satellite Labs are be managed under the Primary Lab.